Gruvbox terminal color scheme

Suraj N. Kurapati

Having used the gorgeous gruvbox color scheme in (Neo)Vim for nearly two years, I thought: why not use the same colors in my terminal as well? And thus we have:

the color scheme

UNIX manual page

To use this color scheme in hterm, open the nassh extension’s settings page, open Chrome Developer Tools, and then run the following snippet in the console:

term_.prefs_.set("background-color", "#282828");
term_.prefs_.set("foreground-color", "#d5c4a1");
term_.prefs_.set("cursor-color", "rgba(254,128,25, 0.5)"); /* #fe8019 */
term_.prefs_.set("color-palette-overrides", ["#1d2021", "#fb4934", "#b8bb26",
"#fabd2f", "#83a598", "#d3869b", "#8ec07c", "#ebdbb2", "#1d2021", "#fb4934",
"#b8bb26", "#fabd2f", "#83a598", "#d3869b", "#8ec07c", "#ebdbb2"]);

To use this color scheme in Rxvt or XTerm, save the following snippet to a file such as ~/.Xdefaults and then run xrdb -merge on that file to apply it. Any terminals launched thereafter will use this color scheme, but not existing ones.

! Colors from "gruvbox" colorscheme for Vim

#define Ansi_0_Color     #504945 /* fg2           *//* normal black   */
#define Ansi_1_Color     #fb4934 /* red bright    *//* normal red     */
#define Ansi_2_Color     #b8bb26 /* green bright  *//* normal green   */
#define Ansi_3_Color     #fabd2f /* yellow bright *//* normal yellow  */
#define Ansi_4_Color     #83a598 /* blue bright   *//* normal blue    */
#define Ansi_5_Color     #d3869b /* purple bright *//* normal magenta */
#define Ansi_6_Color     #8ec07c /* aqua bright   *//* normal cyan    */
#define Ansi_7_Color     #ebdbb2 /* fg            *//* normal white   */
#define Ansi_8_Color     #7c6f64 /* gray          *//* bright black   */
#define Ansi_9_Color     #fb4934 /* red bright    *//* bright red     */
#define Ansi_10_Color    #b8bb26 /* green bright  *//* bright green   */
#define Ansi_11_Color    #fabd2f /* yellow bright *//* bright yellow  */
#define Ansi_12_Color    #83a598 /* blue bright   *//* bright blue    */
#define Ansi_13_Color    #d3869b /* purple bright *//* bright magenta */
#define Ansi_14_Color    #8ec07c /* aqua bright   *//* bright cyan    */
#define Ansi_15_Color    #ebdbb2 /* fg            *//* bright white   */
#define Bold_Color       #fabd2f /* yellow bright */
#define Italic_Color     #d3869b /* purple bright */
#define Underline_Color  #8ec07c /* aqua bright   */
#define Reverse_Color    #d65d0e /* orange        */
#define Foreground_Color #d5c4a1 /* fg2           */
#define Background_Color #282828 /* bg0           */
#define Cursor_Color     #fe8019 /* orange bright */

Rxvt*color0       : Ansi_0_Color/*  normal black   */
Rxvt*color1       : Ansi_1_Color/*  normal red     */
Rxvt*color2       : Ansi_2_Color/*  normal green   */
Rxvt*color3       : Ansi_3_Color/*  normal yellow  */
Rxvt*color4       : Ansi_4_Color/*  normal blue    */
Rxvt*color5       : Ansi_5_Color/*  normal magenta */
Rxvt*color6       : Ansi_6_Color/*  normal cyan    */
Rxvt*color7       : Ansi_7_Color/*  normal white   */
Rxvt*color8       : Ansi_8_Color/*  bright black   */
Rxvt*color9       : Ansi_9_Color/*  bright red     */
Rxvt*color10      : Ansi_10_Color/* bright green   */
Rxvt*color11      : Ansi_11_Color/* bright yellow  */
Rxvt*color12      : Ansi_12_Color/* bright blue    */
Rxvt*color13      : Ansi_13_Color/* bright magenta */
Rxvt*color14      : Ansi_14_Color/* bright cyan    */
Rxvt*color15      : Ansi_15_Color/* bright white   */
Rxvt*colorBD      : Bold_Color
Rxvt*colorIT      : Italic_Color
Rxvt*colorUL      : Underline_Color
Rxvt*colorRV      : Reverse_Color
Rxvt*foreground   : Foreground_Color
Rxvt*background   : Background_Color
Rxvt*cursorColor  : Cursor_Color

XTerm*color0      : Ansi_0_Color/*  normal black   */
XTerm*color1      : Ansi_1_Color/*  normal red     */
XTerm*color2      : Ansi_2_Color/*  normal green   */
XTerm*color3      : Ansi_3_Color/*  normal yellow  */
XTerm*color4      : Ansi_4_Color/*  normal blue    */
XTerm*color5      : Ansi_5_Color/*  normal magenta */
XTerm*color6      : Ansi_6_Color/*  normal cyan    */
XTerm*color7      : Ansi_7_Color/*  normal white   */
XTerm*color8      : Ansi_8_Color/*  bright black   */
XTerm*color9      : Ansi_9_Color/*  bright red     */
XTerm*color10     : Ansi_10_Color/* bright green   */
XTerm*color11     : Ansi_11_Color/* bright yellow  */
XTerm*color12     : Ansi_12_Color/* bright blue    */
XTerm*color13     : Ansi_13_Color/* bright magenta */
XTerm*color14     : Ansi_14_Color/* bright cyan    */
XTerm*color15     : Ansi_15_Color/* bright white   */
XTerm*colorBD     : Bold_Color
XTerm*colorIT     : Italic_Color
XTerm*colorUL     : Underline_Color
XTerm*colorRV     : Reverse_Color
XTerm*foreground  : Foreground_Color
XTerm*background  : Background_Color
XTerm*cursorColor : Cursor_Color

! enable coloring for bold and underlined text
XTerm*vt100.boldColors     : False
XTerm*vt100.colorBDMode    : True
XTerm*vt100.colorULMode    : True
XTerm*vt100.colorRVMode    : False
XTerm*vt100.veryBoldColors : 6
