Porting dwm's dwindle layout to tmux

Suraj N. Kurapati

A sample result of running `tmux-layout-dwindle`.

  1. Problem
    1. Solution
      1. ~/bin/tmux-layout-dwindle


      After months of tolerating the corruption of my perfectly balanced Binary Space Partitioned (BSP) layouts in tmux whenever I happened to temporarily create a split pane to pursue some context-dependent endeavor, I dedicated myself to safeguarding my BSP layouts once and for all by automating their restoration.


      Thus I present to you my port of Niki Yoshiuchi’s dwindle and spiral layouts from dwm to tmux in the form of a POSIX shell script, listed below and available on GitHub, which surpasses dwm’s concept by letting you dwindle or spiral panes toward any corner while laying the main pane along any side of your tmux window.


      #!/bin/sh -eu
      # Usage: tmux-layout-dwindle [tblrhvsc]...
      # Arranges panes in the current window into Binary Space Partitions of
      # dwindling size towards a corner of the screen (tl, tr, bl, br) along
      # a straight line (c) or spiral trajectory (s) while laying out branch
      # panes either vertically (v) or horizontally (h) to produce one of 16
      # possible orientations, illustrated below, of which "brvc" is default.
      # Inspired by the dwindle and spiral layout concepts by Niki Yoshiuchi
      # in dwm's fibonacci patch <http://dwm.suckless.org/patches/fibonacci>.
      #                        oooo    ooo  .ooooo.
      #                         `88.  .8'  d88' `"Y8
      #                          `88..8'   888
      #                           `888'    888   .o8
      #                            `8'     `Y8bod8P'
      #                           vertical corner
      #         tlvc                                           trvc
      #         +--+--+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+--+--+
      #         |\\|5 |     |           | |           |     | 5|//|
      #         +--+--+  3  |           | |           |  3  +--+--+
      #         |  4  |     |           | |           |     |  4  |
      #         +-----+-----+     1     | |     1     +-----+-----+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     2     |           | |           |     2     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     2     |           | |           |     2     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----+-----+     1     | |     1     +-----+-----+
      #         |  4  |     |           | |           |     |  4  |
      #         +--+--+  3  |           | |           |  3  +--+--+
      #         |//|5 |     |           | |           |     | 5|\\|
      #         +--+--+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+--+--+
      #         blvc                                           brvc
      #                        oooo    ooo  .oooo.o
      #                         `88.  .8'  d88(  "8
      #                          `88..8'   `"Y88b.
      #                           `888'    o.  )88b
      #                            `8'     8""888P'
      #                           vertical spiral
      #         tlvs                                           trvs
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         |     |  4  |           | |           |  4  |     |
      #         |  3  +--+--+           | |           +--+--+  3  |
      #         |     |\\|5 |           | |           | 5|//|     |
      #         +-----+--+--+     1     | |     1     +--+--+-----+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     2     |           | |           |     2     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     2     |           | |           |     2     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----+--+--+     1     | |     1     +--+--+-----+
      #         |     |//|5 |           | |           | 5|\\|     |
      #         |  3  +--+--+           | |           +--+--+  3  |
      #         |     |  4  |           | |           |  4  |     |
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         blvs                                           brvs
      #                        oooo
      #                        `888
      #                         888 .oo.    .ooooo.
      #                         888P"Y88b  d88' `"Y8
      #                         888   888  888
      #                         888   888  888   .o8
      #                        o888o o888o `Y8bod8P'
      #                          horizontal corner
      #         tlhc                                           trhc
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         | \\\ |     |           | |           |     | /// |
      #         +-----+  4  |           | |           |  4  +-----+
      #         |  5  |     |           | |           |     |  5  |
      #         +-----+-----+     2     | |     2     +-----+-----+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     3     |           | |           |     3     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |           1           | |           1           |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
      #         +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |           1           | |           1           |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     3     |           | |           |     3     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----+-----+     2     | |     2     +-----+-----+
      #         |  5  |     |           | |           |     |  5  |
      #         +-----+  4  |           | |           |  4  +-----+
      #         | /// |     |           | |           |     | \\\ |
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         blhc                                           brhc
      #                        oooo
      #                        `888
      #                         888 .oo.    .oooo.o
      #                         888P"Y88b  d88(  "8
      #                         888   888  `"Y88b.
      #                         888   888  o.  )88b
      #                        o888o o888o 8""888P'
      #                          horizontal spiral
      #         tlhs                                           trhs
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     3     |           | |           |     3     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----+-----+     2     | |     2     +-----+-----+
      #         |     | \\\ |           | |           | /// |     |
      #         |  4  +-----+           | |           +-----+  4  |
      #         |     |  5  |           | |           |  5  |     |
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |           1           | |           1           |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
      #         +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |           1           | |           1           |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         |                       | |                       |
      #         +-----+-----+-----------+ +-----------+-----+-----+
      #         |     |  5  |           | |           |  5  |     |
      #         |  4  +-----+           | |           +-----+  4  |
      #         |     | /// |           | |           | \\\ |     |
      #         +-----+-----+     2     | |     2     +-----+-----+
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         |     3     |           | |           |     3     |
      #         |           |           | |           |           |
      #         +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
      #         blhs                                           brhs
      # Written in 2016 by Suraj N. Kurapati <https://github.com/sunaku>
      # Documented at <https://sunaku.github.io/tmux-layout-dwindle.html>
      # parse any orientation flags specified among the command-line arguments
      case "$*" in
        (*t*)   corner_tb=+ spiral_tb=        ;; # top
        (*b*|*) corner_tb=  spiral_tb=+       ;; # bottom
      case "$*" in
        (*l*)   corner_lr=+ spiral_lr=        ;; # left
        (*r*|*) corner_lr=  spiral_lr=+       ;; # right
      case "$*" in
        (*h*)   modulo_hv=0 is_vertical=false ;; # horizontal
        (*v*|*) modulo_hv=1 is_vertical=true  ;; # vertical
      case "$*" in
        (*s*)   is_spiral=true                ;; # spiral
        (*c*|*) is_spiral=false               ;; # corner
      # gather information about the current state of the window and its panes
      set -- $(tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_id}')
      selected_pane=$(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_id}')
      historic_pane=$(tmux last-pane 2>/dev/null \;\
                           display-message -p '#{pane_id}' \;\
                           last-pane) || : # exit 1: no last pane
      window_height=$(tmux display-message -p '#{window_height}')
      # execute all tmux commands in one shot to avoid flickering and slowness
      exec tmux $({
        # flatten current layout, stacking all panes vertically like pancakes
        echo select-layout even-vertical
        # transform pane stack into binary space partitions of dwindling size
        for pane_id; do
          if [ $count -eq $# ]; then
            break # skip last pane because .+1 wraps around to the first pane
          elif [ $(( count % 2 )) -eq $modulo_hv ]; then
            if $is_spiral && [ $(( count % 5 )) -gt 2 ]
            then move_b=$spiral_lr
            else move_b=$corner_lr
            if $is_spiral && [ $(( count % 5 )) -gt 2 ]
            then move_b=$spiral_tb
            else move_b=$corner_tb
          echo resize-pane -t $pane_id -y $window_height # make room for move
          echo select-pane -t $pane_id # for relative pane addressing in move
          echo move-pane -d -s .+1 -t . ${move_h:+-h} ${move_b:+-b} # move it
          count=$(( count + 1 ))
        # divide available space evenly among panes (binary space partitions)
        for pane_id; do
          if [ $count -eq $# ] && ! $is_vertical; then
            break # skip last pane because it will already be sized correctly
          elif [ $(( count % 2 )) -eq 1 ]; then
            # every other pane is a branch in the binary space partition tree
            branch_height=$(( branch_height / 2 ))
            if $is_vertical
            then resize_y=$parent_height
            else resize_y=$branch_height
            echo resize-pane -t $pane_id -y $resize_y
          count=$(( count + 1 ))
        # restore pane selection back to how it was before we did any of this
        test -n "$historic_pane" && echo select-pane -t $historic_pane
        echo select-pane -t $selected_pane
      } | sed 's/$/ ;/')



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